Hello (PSA) squasher,
This season Hermes DVS celebrates its 140th anniversary. That’s why we organize a PSA Satellite tournament. You can request to enter our tournament, but your entry is only definitive after our email conformation As we want to keep last-minute withdraws to a minimum, our request is to read the following carefully. If you cannot meet these conditions, please reconsider your entry. When you already have registered your entry please let us know as soon as possible by a mail that you want to withdraw.
Winner ...... 1250 DOLLAR / 1140 EURO
Runner-up... 625 DOLLAR / 570 EURO
3rd ............ 375 DOLLAR / 342 EURO
Plate .......... 250 DOLLAR / 228 EURO
The numbers 1, 2, 3 and the plate winner are obligated to be present at the prize ceremony and the photo moment. Normally the prize ceremony is within 60 minutes directly after the end of the final.
Hermes DVS
Trimpad 12
3118 JJ Schiedam
The Netherlands
Invitation only. Monrad main tournament schedule or (triple) plate. So at least three matches. TRIPLE PLATE: If you lose your third match then you can be finished. Except when you will get a bye or you are playing for third place in the main tournament schedule or plate schedule.
Withdraw in the last week before the tournament must done with a call or a whatsapp message. We must confirm that we read the message, then you can be sure that we take action.
Soccer Boys 1 - Hermes-D.V.S. 1 5-1
Hermes-D.V.S. 2 - LYRA 3 2-1
Kethel Spaland 4 - Hermes-D.V.S. 3 7-1
Blijdorp 6 - Hermes-D.V.S 4 3-4
... lees verderHermes-D.V.S. 1 - Neptunus Schiebroek 1 1-2
Hermes-D.V.S. 4 - Neptunus Schiebroek 4 5-1
LYRA 9 - Hermes-D.V.S. 5 1-5
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