Many ex-pats and foreign students are pleasantly surprised to learn that their beloved game of cricket can also be played in Holland. Only a 15 minute drive from the centre of Rotterdam will take you to one of the oldest and biggest cricket clubs in Holland; Hermes-D.V.S, founded in 1884.
At Hermes-D.V.S., cricket can be played at various levels for both man and woman; from very social to competitive (the first teams play at the highest national level). Competitions are played on both Saturdays and Sundays, and a T20 competition is played on Friday evenings. If you like the game but don’t want to play during weekends, it is also possible to become a training member. At Hermes-D.V.S., where it is also possible to play soccer, squash and rugby, you are very welcome to attend one of the practice sessions in order to get a better view of the club, its members and facilities.
If you would like more information, please contact Jaco van Giezen.
Phone: 06-13069558
We are looking forward to meeting you at Hermes-D.V.S.!
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